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Walsh Church of England Junior School

Achieving through Fellowship, Resilience and Peace

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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 - 6T and 6DB 

Mrs Tregunna, Mrs Deeming and Mrs Baylie


Welcome to Year 6!

Easter homework

The children have been given a pack of Easter Revision Homework. Whilst we understand it is important for the children to have a rest over Easter, we also feel it would be helpful for the children if they keep their English and Maths ticking over so that they don’t forget all their hard work over the break. The booklets suggest doing 10 minutes a day for 10 days, which we hope the children will find manageable. Below are links to the booklets as well as the answers so that you can check through your child’s work too. If your child struggles with anything whilst doing their homework, they should come and talk to their teacher about it on their return to school. 

Year 6 SATS




Free online libraries:



Learn how to type:

Typing games:

Year 6's 'Pet Peeve' blogs

Year 6 Residential 2024- Runways End
